Join RWM Message Alerts

If you want to receive important broadcast alerts from Randy White Ministries, you can join our Signal group by following the instructions below.

Step 1: Download Signal Messenger

Signal is a secure messaging app that allows for encrypted communication, protecting your privacy. You can download it for free on both mobile devices and desktops:

Step 2: Set Up Signal

After downloading, follow the on-screen instructions to verify your phone number and set up your account.

Step 3: Join the RWM Message Alerts Group

Once Signal is installed, click the link below to join the RWM Message Alerts group. Note: The link will not work unless you already have Signal installed on your device.

Join RWM Message Alerts

About the RWM Message Alerts Group

This group is strictly for receiving broadcast alerts from Randy White Ministries. It is not a group for conversation or discussion. You will receive important updates and announcements directly to your device.
